Acceptable Use Policy
Noverus Sync Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”)
Your services may be suspended or terminated for violation of this AUP in accordance with the Noverus Sync Terms of Service.
Capitalized terms used in this AUP shall have the meaning given in the Terms of Service. Inquiries regarding this policy should be directed to support@Noverus Sync.com.
You may not use Noverus Sync’s Services to engage in, foster, or promote illegal, abusive, or irresponsible behavior, including:
a. modify, alter, tamper with, repair or otherwise create derivative works of any Software;
b. reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the software used to provide or access the Service, including the Software, or attempt to discover or recreate the source code used to provide or access the Service, except and only to the extent that the applicable law expressly permits doing so;
c. remove, obscure or alter any proprietary rights notice pertaining to the Service;
d. access or use the Service in a way intended to improperly avoid incurring fees or exceeding usage limits or quotas;
e. use the Service in connection with the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation, communication systems, medical devices, air traffic control devices, real time control systems or other situations in which the failure of the Service could lead to death, personal injury, or physical property or environmental damage;
f. interfere with or disrupt servers or networks used by Noverus Sync to provide the Service or used by other users' to access the Service, or violate any third party regulations, policies or procedures of such servers or networks or harass or interfere with another user's full use and enjoyment of any Software or the Service;
g. access or attempt to access Noverus Sync's other accounts, computer systems or networks not covered by these Terms, through password mining or any other means;
h. cause, in Noverus Sync's sole discretion, inordinate burden on the Service or Noverus Sync's system resources or capacity; or
i. share passwords or other access information or devices or otherwise authorize any third party to access or use the Software or the Service.
Excessive Use of System Resources
You may not use your Service in a way that unnecessarily interferes with the normal operation of the Services generally.
Vulnerability Testing
You may not attempt to probe, scan, penetrate or test the vulnerability of a Noverus Sync system or network or to breach Noverus Sync’s security or authentication measures, whether by passive or intrusive techniques, without Noverus Sync’s express written consent.
Offensive Content
You may not publish, transmit or store on or via Noverus Sync’s Services, network and equipment any content or links to any content that Noverus Sync reasonably believes:
a. Constitutes, depicts, fosters, promotes or relates in any manner to child pornography, bestiality, or non-consensual sex acts;
b. is excessively violent, incites violence, threatens violence or contains harassing content or hate speech;
c. is unfair or deceptive under the consumer protection laws of any jurisdiction, including chain letters and pyramid schemes;
d. is defamatory or violates a person’s privacy;
e. creates a risk to a person’s safety or health, creates a risk to public safety or health, compromises national security or interferes with a investigation by law enforcement;
f. improperly exposes trade secrets or other confidential or proprietary information of another person;
g. is intended to assist others in defeating technical copyright protections;
h. infringes on another person’s copyright, trade or service mark, patent or other property right;
i. promotes illegal drugs, violates export control laws, relates to illegal gambling or illegal arms trafficking;
j. is otherwise illegal or solicits conduct that is illegal under laws applicable to you or to Noverus Sync; or
k. is otherwise malicious, fraudulent or may result in retaliation against Noverus Sync by offended viewers.
Content “published or transmitted” via Noverus Sync’s network or equipment includes Web content, email, bulletin board postings, chat and any other type of posting or transmission that relies on the Internet.
Copyrighted Material
You may not use Noverus Sync’s network or Services to download, publish, distribute, or otherwise copy or use in any manner any text, music, software, art, image or other work protected by copyright law unless:
a. you have been expressly authorized by the owner of the copyright for the work to copy the work in that manner; or b. you are otherwise permitted by established copyright law to copy the work in that manner.It is Noverus Sync’s policy to terminate in appropriate circumstances the services of customers who are repeat infringers.
You agree that Noverus Sync may quarantine or delete any data stored on a shared system if the data is infected with a virus, or is otherwise corrupted, and has the potential to infect or corrupt the system or other customers’ data that is stored on the same system.